Friday, March 13, 2009

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Dear Reader

Introduction to MWA “Destruction”


Introduction to Effective Writing “Bretharianism”


Introductionitle to Critical Analysis “What is Poverty”

What is Poverty

Introduction to Writer’s Choice “Circle of Life”

Circle of Life

Circle of Life

As you all may or may not know I have been volunteering at Sunrise Retirement Home. I have been assisting the employees in providing a routine schedule full of activities for the elderly who reside in the home. Working around my "banker hours", I have spent just shy of 15 hours over the last month. What a great experience it has been.

Most of my time has been spent assisting the elderly in their structured activates. Bingo is a favored game for the ladies. I assist the elderly with poor eye sight in marking their numbers helping them working towards winning the nickel pot. A variety of art and craft projects are provided daily for the residents. I took part in setting up the activities as well as providing conversation for the ladies while they engage in the projects. I loved seeing their faces light up as they remembered me from the previous visits. I also helped with clipping coupons for the elderly to sort into bins for them to use on their purchases. Those were just a few ways I interacted with the residents at Sunrise Retirement Center.

An elderly person is bound just like a new born baby. Unable to communicate because of a stroke can leave an elderly frustrated. An elderly will have to find other ways to communicate what his or her needs are as does a baby who has not learned how to talk. Hands stuck in a tight position because of arthritis limits an elderly from painting a beautiful picture or lifting a cup to his or her mouth. A conversation that continues to repeat itself is a sign of a bad day for an elderly. The mind is unable to remember. All of these examples are reasons a baby and an elder both need assistance in his or her daily routines.

I have enjoyed interacting with the elderly that reside in the home. I would also have to say growing old is very sad. I do not look forward to not be able to provide for myself. I know some may disagree and think I am cruel for saying that but it is the truth. I am thankful that we have retirement homes to help with assistance for those who do not have family who are able to assist. It takes a special person to work with the elderly. The person must be very patient and understand. It can be annoying to hear the same story over and over again from an elder person. A person must engage his or herself and treat it as if the conversation is being heard for the first time.

With our reading assigning of “Three Cups of Tea” the students of English 98 went in search for our “Mortenson”. Mortenson is a man of many accomplishments with one being a selfless giving person. Through my experience at Sunrise Retirement Home I found myself observing both the employees and the residence. With my observation I truly found the “Mortenson” of Sunrise Retirement Home her name is Scotty. Scotty has lived the past few years on the side where assistance is not a constant need. During one of my scheduled activities I noticed Scotty had followed me over to the hospital side of the residence. When I was setting up the activity I had ask Scotty if she would be joining. She told me she was there to assist her neighbors. Scotty informed me how she had become ill and spent eighteen months on the hospital side and became part of the family. Because of the care she received she felt a passion to help the residence who needed additional help. She was not an employee and does not receive discounts for helping out. Scotty does it out of pure heart. Overall this was a great learning experience.

Introduction to writer's choice "Circle of Life"

Last but not least I have to include my blog “Circle of life” for writer’s choice. The service learning project is a huge part of English 98 and my life. I volunteered at Sunrise Retirement home during the month of February and March. It was a true experience and I learned so much from the residents. The first couple of times I volunteered I was always watching the employees looking for a “Mortenson”, but realized that “Mortenson” resides as a resident in the home.

What is Poverty

Jo Goodwin Parker remains the mystery author of "What is Poverty". The essay is about one’s personal experience being a person of poverty and how she got there. The description is very intense. A mother was forced to make a life altering decision based on what was most important to her. Because of her decision she now has many critical daily decisions she much make. Weighing what must be bought to survive such as food and what a luxury is such as soap. Saving up for an item, only to have the price go up, was a reoccurring nightmare for this mother. Being sick because of lack of nutrition and not being able to afford medication was common for this family. A mother’s vision of her children’s not so bright future because of their way of living is a constant fear. The dreams and hopes that still cross one’s mind in a moment of silence. This essay shows sides to poverty one may have never have thought could be so brutal.

I was absorbed by the description of Jo Goodwin Parkers life challenges and the decisions a person must make. As I read the end of paragraph three my heart stopped. "When the dried diaper came off, bits of my baby's flesh came with it". Who could imagine the anger, hurt, disappointment; you name it, all the feelings that consumed the mother at that moment. I know as a person we often find ourselves at a dead end with no choices that we see. This mother analyzed all of her choices, even one that might not be a choice in our own vision, and made the decision. She is a very brave.

Introduction to critical analysis "What is Poverty"

My analytically writing skills sample would be my summary and reflection of “What is Poverty”. It was a challenge to summarize this essay because every part was important to me. I had to read this essay multiple times to pull out the ultimate important parts to complete the summary. This essay opened my eyes to a completely different view of homeless people than I once had. I am proud of this piece because it was able to mold me.


Hey you! That’s right I am talking to you.
You’re sitting on the couch with potato chip crumbs down your shirt.

Are you tired of trying diets that don’t end with a reward?
Do you find yourself eating because you’re board?
Are you lacking energy and motivation?
Are you looking for a way to a happier life?

If you answered yes you cannot afford to miss our seminar on a healthy way to cleanse your body. Guest speaker “Willey Brooks”, ABC-TV’s featured weight lifter and founder of “Breatharianism”, will be our host.

This 5 day seminar and your beginning to a new way of living is a low $100.00 per day. Space is limited so respond fast. Reserve you spot through

Introduction to effective writing "Breatharianism"

My advertisement of “Breatharianism” is the writing assignment I have chosen for my effective writing skills sample. With this piece I had to determine who I wanted my audience to be and how I was going to capture his or her attention to make the sell. My product was a 500 dollar, 5 day seminar to learn how to diet by breathing air. I truly captured my audience by using direct language. Let’s see if I am able to sell you on the product.